Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Day

Well yesterday was definitely an interesting day, and day that will forever be remembered historically. Everything didn't turn out exactly as I would have wanted it, but I am interested to see what the future holds.

Last night I had the opportunity to go down to the Grand America Hotel and participate in the Republican festivities that went down there. I had the opportunity to shake hands with Senator Orrin Hatch, Governor Huntsman, and Rep. Bishop. It was a neat opportunity and I am glad I went down. I hope that the future is bright for America, and that the economy can withstand these new changes.


Unknown said...

I also hope the future is bright for America. The partisan divide in the US has been cut far too deep. Obama is a charismatic individual and a powerful orator, and I am hopeful that he can use these skills to gain the respect (if not support) of most Americans.

Melanie said...

I think its great that you participated! I think this nation (or maybe just our generation) has realized the participation of its citizens makes a difference and if we don't like where things are going we can do something to make a change. Its hard to know what exactly is going to happen, but I'm also hopeful and interested to find out.

Marko Mijic said...

YES WE CAN! I can not believe that you went to the Republican Party, wait I can't believe you went to a political event!!!!!!! I actually was going to stop by the party, but ran out of time and people told me that many were not happy at the Republican Party. I love your pictures.